Terrorism Target Energy infrastructure.
Energy facilities have become victims of terrorist attacks, and this already over many years.
Energy resources are terrorist targets to gain influence on not only economical substantial patterns of countries but also in warfare
to obstruct power supply towards information or
communication centre from actual enemies.
Looking at the impact of energy transmission today, passing the Golf of Aden or the Red Sea and being under attack of the Houthis,
but also the exploded Gas pipelines in the East Sea
or spying at windmill parks in the North Sea makes it clearly visible how quick targets on infrastructure can have a large influence.
Effective targets are not the main exploitation sources but the transport systems, most likely there were transport systems are hard to renew the energy transmission.
Also, targets are selected to reduce loss of own terrorist resources as well as a cost-benefit calculation.
Often, terrorists are not so obvious visible as shown in news channels.
Terrorism can also start as treat to attack energy companies or locations to retrieve money for other terrorist goals.
Energy transmission can be used as fundraising for other attacks. Not all financial transmissions are known by normal public.
In the past, attacks on oilfields, oil companies or transport were known.
More and more terrorism at energy transmission can have impact on National infrastructures.
Not only Light is involved but also think at hospitals, heat, cooking, internet, mobile phones, alarm systems, public transport, airway, traffic lights etc. etc.
Energy is used for almost everything and interruption energy supply can have immense impact vulnerable infrastructure as weapon systems or defence systems.
For countries with vulnerable infrastructure it is a must to assure enough backup resources combined with a fast transmission capability.
Terrorists who are targeting energy structures are mostly intelligent people with radical goals.
The want to disrupt infrastructure to gain public panic and chaos.
To achieve this, first attacks are meant to be organized in a way that the impact is great enough to cause attention and or local crisis.
Not all terrorist can be associated to the classical known groups as Houthis, Hamas, Al Qaida, Boko Haram etc.
Also, political or environmental groups or individuals can try to receive influence for their mission by disrupting energy transmission.
These last group of modern terrorists, try to effect governments or public infrastructure by blocking streets or entrances but can also affect civilians or other private property,
Most likely the goal is to change a social structure or behaviour.
To accomplish their goals, they try to avoid personal human impact, since their actions must be supported.
Ideological or religious terrorism are less concern about the wellbeing of people around targets.
The goal to claim damage after an attack and to increasement of fear helps to achieve the wanted instability in regions or countries.
Since the loss of energy resources can be devastating of individuals, the acceptation from local new ideological or religious leaders can be the only way to survive.
Today energy transmission and supply are used for hybrid warfare.
The impact of destroying the energy structure within countries with high sensible technological war equipment can be the main key point of success.
Oppositional parties can be disrupted and damaged by destroying military functions, intelligent infrastructure, network depending operations, communication,
digital connections, surveillance and more.
The need of structured and secured energy transfer is therefore not only a national high safety issue but also an international.
Todays power and energy supply is globalized.
Most countries can’t supply or retain energy just inside their borders.
High and low concentrations of energy power must be equalized and transmission between different players can stabilize not only defence or military objects
but also complete infrastructures.
Countries with stabile energy infrastructure can optimize economic targets, human welfare and social wellbeing for their inhabitants.
Structured planning, cooperation and setting long term goals to stabilize energy consumption or demands is no longer a local target
but can affect parts of the world within seconds.
Being focussed to prevent interruptions, caused by technical, personal or terroristic influences must be one of the main goals to retain or economic stability for the future.
How about govermental threats?
Police units are confronted daily with high taxes against crime.
On the other hand, crime is becoming increasingly brutal, precisely because the possibilities and regulations regarding police deployment
and enforcement impose limits.
The criminal environment has no rules that bind them to a normal society.
This is about profit and hierarchy.
The arrival of people with a different cultural background and no integrative need makes enforcement as known in Western countries more difficult.
The undermining of the general order is often committed by the cooperation of several people from a cultural background.
In this way, small circles often arise where mutual help is offered within the same background with various projects.
However, this can quickly grow into criminal organisations, precisely because there is no control through governments.
Don’t forget, over years, also local citizens are involved in criminal circuits.
If we think of prostitution, drugs and the possible possibilities of money flows,
we have to conclude that the control mechanism is either too small or has realised too late what is really going on.
Western countries strive for people to develop, whereby a government tries to keep their influence as small as possible and thus is not financially burdened.
A clearly failed integration also speaks for the rise of more crime.
The moment individuals do not recognise themselves in their environment or live isolated there,
the step is small to a shadow community where a certain form of acceptance and recognition exists.
If opportunities or prospects for a better life are also set in those environments, then the line of distinguishing good and bad often becomes thin and manageable.
Letting go of many rules with regard to the establishment of a company, and the associated liability interest towards authorities, such as taxes, insurances, etc.,
but also towards customers, strengthens the possibility of setting up a company with dubious assets.
Small, often one-man companies arise frequently and quickly.
At the slightest opposition from institutions, these are often closed, go bankrupt but then often open again within a short time through a new,
often known owner from the inner circle of the former company grounder.
Often, we also see mailbox companies that offer certain services but in reality, do not employ staff.
Because the control mechanism on these firms is inadequate, there is not a sufficient control method on the financial and personal background of owners,
enormous amounts of money are stolen from society.
The possibility of money laundering is being fed, partly due to the limited efforts and possibilities of government employees,
with the arrival of even more entrepreneurs.
Although for many small and honest entrepreneurs there is a clear right to exist, the question is why, as example,
so many pizzerias, kebabs or hairdressers have emerged in recent years, and that with a density that is far above the sales of a healthy entrepreneurship.
Looking realistically at many of these, as well as other companies, a well-functioning government policy must raise questions about their existence.
Unfortunately, the possibility of an unregistered audit visit to accounts has been around for years,
but after its introduction it could again be a possibility against money laundering.
Unfortunately, we have to conclude that the vigilance of the average user of the services offered by these companies is extremely small.
For example, it can quickly happen that people within federal services unintentionally become entangled in organised crime.
Often people become a little freer and looser-lipped if they always go to the same hairdresser or the same pizzeria.
This also happens in relationship to other, bigger and longer existing companies.
The natural cautious attitude towards things we don't know is quickly abandoned.
With the correctly asked questions from criminals with a conscious background, an unobtrusive conversation is often a starting point for a criminal act.
Often unwilling relationships start and can disrupt political stability.
It is therefore essential as a society to work on a good integration of all residents/citizens within a country and region.
In addition, to look more clearly at existential possibilities in start-ups and to guide them from a government.
A clear possibility of intervening or controlling must also be increased in order to counteract both economic and criminal
developments through companies, and to reduce criminal intention to interrupt long existing governmental structures.